Tag Archives: uber

Fit for a Friday

Happy Friday! I hope everyone has had a great week! It’s been a busy one around here, but as of this evening J and I will officially be in vacation-mode for the next nine days. Can.not.wait. To kick off your weekend, here’s Fit for a Friday – a compilation of musings, findings, and favorite links I’ve stumbled across in the past week.

This picture story has gone absolutely viral over the last week, so you’ve probably already seen it. In the chance that you haven’t – click with caution. While sitting on the couch the other evening J was scrolling through his phone and says, “Oh this is really sad, but it’s nice – you should read it.” Within seconds, I was SOBBING. Mind you, I cry pretty easily, but this story is exactly what it tells you it is, “beautiful and utterly heartbreaking.”

I listened to the kids play off in the distance. And thought about my two babies at home. I loved protecting them.{via}

Oh my gahh. As if I didn’t already love Uber enough! Please make this a regular thing!

How cute are those white flowers in the colored water? So fun!

This piece spoke to me perfectly. I have been so many women already in my short time, and I know I will continue to evolve into many more women to come. I’ve been rebellious, I’ve been restless, I’ve been a good partner, and I’ve even been a bad partner. I’ve been a daughter, a sister, a friend to many, and a used-to-be friend to as many more. All I can hope is that in my roles to come I choose to be kind, loving as a wife, and content with whoever I am. Definitely a nice read for a woman at any stage of her life.

Well friends, that’s all I’ve got for today. Things will be quiet around here over the next week while I enjoy some much needed R&R, so have a great week and I’ll catch up with you soon! xx

Mid-Week Peaks

Phew, it’s Wednesday! We’ve had a busy week around here. We’re West Virginia bound on Friday, and the four-day work week is making  the summer days fly by. Here are this week’s Mid-Week Peaks:

  • A Friday in Chinatown

chinatown gatesJ was still out of town on Friday, so I metro-ed the few stops over to Chinatown to meet my friends Briana and Mike at Matchbox for happy hour after work. They were in town for a little anniversary trip, and it was wonderful to share some wine and appetizers and catch up. Mike was actually one of the first friends I made in college, and Briana and I are sorority sisters. It’s always great to reminisce a bit with old friends – plus they are a super adorable couple. After happy hour, I headed to PennSocial where my coworker’s boyfriend was playing a set. PennSocial always has a super relaxed feel, and it was nice to hang out and watch some of the World Cup while listening to some fun music. There are also board games, and who doesn’t enjoy a lively round of Jenga on a Friday?

After leaving PennSocial I took Uber (get a free ride with referral code: mrhky) back to pick up my car at work, and as the driver took me through the city with the windows rolled down, I couldn’t help but think how blessed I am. When I moved to DC two and half years ago it was one of the scariest things I’ve ever done. I left behind friends, family, and a fiance (who luckily didn’t take long to follow) to start a new job in an unfamiliar city. The first year I was here was tough – J and I were broke and planning a wedding, and all I wanted was my mom or my best friend to just go to Michael’s with me to buy craft supplies. But seriously. Now, as I hop from place to place on a Friday evening and watch the monuments blur by as I ride through the city on a perfect summer night – I know I made the right decision.

  • A Quiet Saturday

Carrie loves JSaturday ended up being a quiet day for me. With the exception of a quick trip out to the gym, I took it easy around the apartment and used the gloomy gray clouds as an excuse to clean out my closet and watch a lot of New Girl on Netflix. It was a much needed “me-time” kind of day, but I was happy when J got home that evening. Although, I think Carrie was even happier. As guys do, J plopped his pile of stuff down by the door when he came in on Saturday, and Carrie stayed tucked around his bags through Sunday evening when I finally made him put them away. He’s definitely her favorite.

  • Sunday Funday in Annapolis

DSCN0165After spending most of the weekend apart, J and I were happy to head out and spend a sunny Sunday in Annapolis. We visited the waterfront Farmer’s Market (1 market down on the Summer Bucket List!) and enjoy the beautiful morning. The historic downtown was bustling, and we caught each other up on our weekends apart while enjoying crepes, some photography, and perfect waterside scenery.

I wish I could say our work week has been as much fun as our weekend, but with lots of things on the to-do list before we head out of town for the weekend, the highlight of my weeknights has been cookies and cream ice cream and new episodes of my favorite ABC Family Shows. By the way, where exactly are they going with The Fosters? And is it just me, or was “Hefty Hanna” not really that hefty? Anyway, how’s your week been? Any highlights to share? xx

Find more Mid-Week Peaks here.